
Rise Up! Utilize Your Training Fund Resources!

Announcing: For Members Only!
First Aid and CPR/BLS Certification/Renewal

District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund is excited to announce the return of onsite First Aid and CPR/BLS Certification and Renewal Training for District 1199C Healthcare Union Members! 

Training Dates:
Saturday, April 5, 10:00am- 2:00pm
Saturday, June 7, 10:00am-2:00pm
Saturday, August 2, 10:00am-2:00pm
Saturday, October 4, 10:00am-2:00pm
Saturday, December 6, 10:00am-2:00pm

District 1199C Training and Upgrading Fund
One South Broad Street, 6th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your skills and career!
Secure Your Spot Today!

For more information, please contact Michelle Heyward-Ramsey, Hospital Liaison Director, at

Free or low-cost education and job training classes for eligible District 1199C Union Members.

Available by appointment.

EMT— Available by appointment.

Basic Computer Skills — Available by appointment. Complete Basic Computer Skills Survey here

ServSafe — Available by appointment.

Culinary Arts-Knife Skill Training — Available by appointment.

Soft Skills Training — Available by appointment.

Complete our Intake Form here

For more information, please contact Michelle Heyward-Ramsey, Hospital Liaison Director, at

Members covered by the Training Fund benefit are entitled to tuition reimbursement after six months of union membership. Full time members may receive up to $5,000 per year for approved college and vocational courses, workshops, and seminars. The benefit is pro-rated for part-time workers. Members must apply to the Training Fund and obtain advanced approval at least three weeks before the start of class.

Submit Online Tuition Reimbursement Application

For more information:
Members with last name A-L, contact Stacy Campbell, Senior Account Manager at
Members with last name M-Z, contact Valda Xavier, Account Manager at, or (215) 568-2220 x305, fax(215) 564-0450.

Steps for Tuition Reimbursement

Step One: Submit online application

Step Two: Provide class schedule with start and end dates.

Step Three: A Tuition Reimbursement Specialist will confirm your eligibility and contact you.

Step Four: Once classes are complete, please submit your unofficial transcript and invoices.

Step Five: After all required documents have been provided, Tuition Reimbursement will issue you a check.

Partnership Schools for Up-Front Reimbursement

Great News! Delaware County Community College (DCCC) is a new partner in the Upfront Payment Agreement Process through our Tuition Assistance Program! Members who plan to attend classes at DCCC and are interested in applying for tuition assistance should please click the link below to fill out an application.

Members are eligible for “Up-Front Tuition Reimbursement” at the following schools:

  • Community College of Philadelphia (Tuition Reimbursement pays for up to 6 classes for Fall and Spring semesters ONLY, if funds are available. Deadline for Fall application is THE LAST FRIDAY IN July and for Spring is THE LAST FRIDAY IN November)
  • Delaware County Community College (DCCC)
  • Health Technology & Training Institute (HTTI) Licensed Practical Nursing Program
  • Montgomery County Community College (MCCC)
  • Peirce College
  • Thomas Jefferson University

Members must complete and sign the Up-Front Tuition Reimbursement Agreement. The Up-Front Agreement Form is available here.

Schedule a Zoom Career Counseling Session

For One-on-One Sessions:

For Group Sessions:

Dear District 1199C Members,
We regret to inform you that the James T. Ryan Full-Time Scholarship program is currently on PAUSE and no further decisions have been made at this time. If you decide to proceed with the full-time scholarship application (link), we will provide an update once our office receives one.

We apologize for the inconvenience!

Eligible 1199C members may take advantage of continuing education programs offered at the Breslin Learning Center. There is a flexible schedule of professional development, basic education, college preparatory and career pathway programs. Other technical, computer and collegiate classes are available to members covered by the Training Fund benefit and to non-union community members on a tuition basis.

Basic Computers
An introductory 48-hour computer class covering basic computer operations and Microsoft Office applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, internet, and email.

A 24-hour introduction to the principles of effective communication and five levels of leadership.

Personal Finance
A 20-hour course consisting of four independent workshops covering principles of personal finance. Workshops include: Budgeting; Credit & Debt; Life Insurance & Estate Planning; Savings, Investing, Retirement Planning & Taxes.

If your employer contributes to the Training Fund, you are eligible to attend classes at the Fund’s Breslin Learning Center, or through the Tuition Reimbursement or Full-Time Scholarship programs – at one of 45 areas colleges, universities, or technical schools. Classes at the Breslin Center are available on a flexible schedule, with morning, evening and weekend hours, and career coaches on-site to help you choose the best class for your educational and career pathway.

For more information, please contact Audie Murphy, Interim Director of Employer & Career Services, 215-568-2220 x119.

CPR/First Aid
A half day (approximately 2-hour) certification training.

Pharmacy Technician
A 90-hour course consisting of a 36-hour Pharmacy Math review; and a 54-hour Pharmacy classroom component.

A 15-hour training and certification course covering safe practices in food preparation, handling, storage and distribution.

Telemetry Technician
A 60-hour course covering the cardiovascular system, cardiac drugs, medical terminology, and the proper interpretation of telemetry.

For more information, please contact Michelle Heyward-Ramsey, Hospital Liaison Director, at

A Career Counselor will help you create an individual educational plan to achieve your career goals. You can start by obtaining labor market information on a variety of healthcare and human services occupations. You can also learn about the educational requirements associated with each step on the career ladder. Next, the Counselor will help you evaluate your career interests, skill levels and academic readiness. You can then choose from a variety of programs available at the Fund’s Breslin Learning Center or at area schools.

Some of the services offered include:

  • Resume Development and Interviewing Skills
  • Vocational Interest Assessment
  • Academic Evaluation
  • Job Placement

Download your registration form here.

Submit Application

For question, please contact Nafeesah Taylor, Career Coach,

District 1199C
National Union of Hospital & Health Care Employees (NUHHCE)

Union Headquarters:
1319 Locust St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Phone: (215) 735 1300
Fax: (215) 735 9878
Online Headquarters: