

The Training Fund offers educational programs to prepare students for the GED® and HiSET® equivalency exams. Please note that the Training Fund is no longer a testing site for these exams. When you’re ready to take the test, visit or to register and find a nearby testing site. Both GED and HiSET exams are recognized by the State of Pennsylvania.


  • Pennsylvania resident
  • 18 years of age
  • Not enrolled in high school
  • Must not already have a high school diploma or equivalency

How to Register

To Register for the GED

Schedule online:
Schedule by phone: Call 1-877-392-6433
(7:00 AM – 7:00 PM)

To Register for the HiSET 

Schedule online:
Schedule by phone: Call 1-855-MyHiSET

Testing Fees

GED Testing Fees   

Entire Module Exam: $144
$36 per Module
$10 Retake Fee

HiSET Testing Fees  

Entire Battery: $115
$23 per Sub-Test
2 Free Retakes per Sub-Test

Note: Only debit cards and credit cards are accepted for payment.  

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Basic Education and High School Equivalency Diploma

For those looking to better prepare for the GED or HiSET exams, the Training Fund offers classes to the public. These courses provide the foundational knowledge to pass the GED and refresh high school academics along with building necessary computer skills.

District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund can help you to:

  • Study for the GED or HiSET test
  • Improve your reading and writing skills
  • Improve your math skills
  • Improve digital skills
  • Prepare for college and job training entrance tests
  • Upskilling and reskilling classes

District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund’s programs are free to you.

Classes and tutoring are offered to people age 18 and older who live in Philadelphia County.


Right now, teaching happens in-person and online. You will need access to the internet. We can help you get on the internet.

You can work with a volunteer tutor. You will meet two times per week for two hours each time.

You can also attend classes. Your class schedule will depend on your current abilities and your goals. There are morning and afternoon classes. Most sessions are two and a half hours long and are two times each week. You will be expected to complete some work outside of class.

The time you spend at District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund depends on you. Every student is different. You will take a test to find out your abilities now. We will talk to you about your goals. We will make a plan just for you.

Our teachers and tutors will support you. We want you to do well.


The first step is to sign up for new student orientation.

Orientation is held every month.

You can sign up any time. Orientation fills up quickly. You might have to wait a short time.

At orientation, you will learn more about District 1199C Training & Upgrading Fund. We will talk about your goals. We will schedule a test of your skills now. Many of your questions will be answered at orientation.


For more information, please contact Mike Boesz, Adult Education Coordinator, or (215) 568-2220 x104

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Upskilling & Reskilling Classes

Upskilling and reskilling mean learning new things to become better at what we already do or to learn something completely new for different jobs. Upskilling is about getting better at skills we already have, so we can keep up with new things happening in our jobs. Reskilling is when we learn totally new skills for a different kind of job.

Adult upskilling and reskilling are important for several reasons:

  • Keeping up with technology: Learning new skills helps us stay updated with the latest technology and tools in our jobs.
  • Finding better job opportunities: By improving our skills, we increase our chances of finding good jobs that match our abilities and interests.
  • Protecting our careers: Learning new skills can help us stay relevant in a changing job market and avoid losing our jobs to automation or other changes.
  • Moving up in our careers: When we learn new things, we can qualify for higher positions and earn more money in our jobs.
  • Helping the economy: When many people have the right skills, it helps businesses grow and makes the whole economy stronger.
  • Feeling proud and happy: Learning new things gives us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, making us happier in our lives and careers.

Upskilling and reskilling can be helpful for different types of people:

  • People who already have jobs: If you already have a job, learning new skills can make you better at what you do and give you more opportunities for growth and success.
  • People looking for jobs: If you are searching for a job, learning new skills can make you more attractive to employers and increase your chances of finding a good job that matches your skills and interests.
  • People who want to change careers: If you want to switch to a different type of job, learning new skills can help you make the change and qualify for jobs in the new field.
  • People who might lose their jobs: If your job is at risk of being taken over by technology or other changes, learning new skills can help you stay employable and find new job opportunities.

No matter where you are in your career journey, upskilling and reskilling can be beneficial for improving your skills, increasing your chances of finding a job, and staying relevant in the changing job market.

For more information, please contact Mike Boesz, Adult Education Coordinator, or (215) 568-2220 x104

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GED® to Careers Program – Ages 17 to 24

Out-of-school youth receive academic instruction and support geared to assist them in obtaining their GED and transitioning into a post-secondary institution. Life skills, college readiness, career exposure, and computer technology are also addressed throughout the program. Students participate in job fairs and career panels, go on college tours, and other field trips.

Approximately 80% of students receive their GED, matriculate into college, gain an industry-recognized credential and/or enter employment.

These courses provide the foundational knowledge to pass the GED and refresh high school academics along with building necessary computer skills.

GED® to Careers Program (Ages 17-24) Classes include:


  • Math, Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies


  • 17-24 years old
  • Philadelphia resident
  • Not enrolled in High School
  • Assessment Test

For more information, contact Roland Williams, Lead Coordinator, GED to Careers Program, or (215) 568-2220 x132